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Deepak Kumar Pandey


We as VictoryTales, with our extensive & exertions’ efforts in the search for bringing more and more meaningful and inspiring stories from around the world, this time introducing Mr.Deepak Kumar Pandey, Founder of one of the best Digital Marketing agencies in the UK titled “Drankio”. Mr. Deepak inclined towards entrepreneurship when he was doing his printed t-shirt business through the Facebook marketplace.

Deepak Kumar Pandey has a unique bent of mind and also developed his emotions by jotting down on by publishing a book & becoming Writer and Author of “A Journey: Steps to success”. This book is dedicated to those youth, who all belong to poor families but they have some big dreams and they want to achieve it. Deepak is also of the view that the Pressure and Stress if comes in life can be sorted out by working as a team with colleagues and for him listening to music and writing poems are the best stress busters.

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Deepak Kumar Pandey
Deepak Kumar Pandey
Deepak Kumar Pandey
Deepak Kumar Pandey
Deepak Kumar Pandey
Deepak Kumar Pandey
Deepak Kumar Pandey
Deepak Kumar Pandey

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Drankio is the fastest & best digital marketing agency in India, UK, US, and UAE. It’s a digital place to grow your business on a mission to help startups grow digitally with the better returns of the investments and Brand Presence in the market. Experts of Drankio help and build Digital strategies and deliver the best possible results with the focus on ROI. We are able to create sales-driven insight for your business.

Drankio helps in building a strong digital presence and generates high-quality traffic and conversions into leads for growing businesses. For more information kindly visit the company’s website:

On inquiring from where did the idea to start something like “Drankio” came from and requesting him to tell us about his background and his journey as an entrepreneur, Mr. Deepak Kumar Pandey apprised that;

Before starting anything let me tell something a bit about myself first. Myself Deepak Pandey founder of Drankio, one of the Best Digital Marketing Agency in UK.I did a Bachelor in Computer Applications and developed interest in marketing while doing my printed t-shirt business through the Facebook marketplace. After prolonged efforts and a lot of research about digital marketing and a career in digital marketing which was developed as a booming industry. I made lots of effort and tried to get a job in digital marketing while working. I grasped the idea to start my own venture titled Drankio which stands for Digital Rankio. I strongly believe in Entrepreneurship rather than working for someone else. While doing my job I have taken initiative and It was one of the best decisions for me I have ever taken.

Regarding entrepreneurship, I believe that entrepreneurship is a journey, and it seems like everyone goes through it a little differently. Some move quickly through the process and are successful within weeks of implementing a brilliant idea. Others move slowly and spend decades of their lives perfecting the art. Some go to college for years for a master’s degree in commerce, while others begin before they graduate from high school.

I feel entrepreneurship is a diverse and rewarding world, but nonetheless, there are certain hallmarks of entrepreneurship that almost everyone has at one point or another.

On inquiring from him about the choosing entrepreneurship over a job, Deepak replied in detail that;

According to me, Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people cannot. The idea of not working for someone else and only working for me looks like the best thing possible. I never wanted to work in a big organization, where I was just a number. As per my experience entrepreneurs are so attractive to me because here you are your own boss, you can set your schedule, vacation, and working hours. When you take a big risk, there is a chance of a big reward. I love the calculated risks. There is no restriction you can do whatever you want to do with your business. So I believe the biggest factor is opportunity and freedom.

On asking what was his key driving force to become an entrepreneur? Deepak replied that;

If you ask me the true key to success is one’s passion and vision for something and his dedication to making everything possible. There are certain things like a strong belief in yourself and your idea that go a long way in helping to fulfill your dream. Your passion, your idea, and belief work wonders and definitely helps.

On enquiring about his source of motivation, He appraised that;

Motivation will come automatically from self-pressure to achieve your dream and determination. In my view the best source of motivation is setting goals, chasing them, and achieving those goals with 100 % perfection.

How many hours a day do you work on an average?

As an entrepreneur, I work for almost 8-9 hours a day but by mind its 24 hours, and yes as an entrepreneur you have to be ready for 24*7 so that your work goes on like forever. I love to do my work, much of the time I end up putting in more hours than usual.

Can you tell, what is the uniqueness of your start-up?

Well, I can give you a lecture on uniqueness. My start-up is “Drankio” we help all small business to improve their digital presence with the help of our digital solutions. We help to build branding across the world. A unique thing about start-up can be anything that they implement which no one else implements, it is not just a unique way they market their service or product.

How do you handle the pressure and manage stress?

From my point of view, the key to handle the pressure and stress at work is working as a team with others. Whether it’s my co-workers or managers I know if we all band together we come to a solution more quickly and easier. Sometime’s music and writing poems are the best stress-busters for me.

How do you generate new ideas?

I don’t think there is a process of generating new ideas. The idea is useless unless executed hence I love executing ideas. First learn from your mistakes, launch it, and make it a hit. A brilliant tip would be to do things in a different way for generating ideas.

How did you come up with the name of your company?

Drankio stands for Digital Rankio. If I want to explain more about my digital marketing agency then D-digital R-rankio A-Audience N- Niche I-Input 0-Output.

What piece of advice would you give to college graduates who want to become entrepreneurs?

If you have ideas go for it, follow your passion and your heart and build something that the user needs. Build a dedicated team who can believe in your ideas. Entrepreneurs need to lead so believe in your ideas, if you cannot believe in yourself no one else will believe. Be patient, don't give-up.

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